Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Lost...

...finale was awesome tonight!!!

They were totally losing me this season. I had decided to stop watching...I am a girl that can be strung along for only so long. I need answers damnit! Validation! What the hell was I doing wasting one hour a week to be more and more confused!

Then, over the last few weeks, they started answering questions and the story started to weave itself back together. Tonight, I was literally on the edge of my seat (gripping tightly to my Dos Equis) up until the very end! Then Whamo! I have a million more questions! I cannot...repeat, cannot wait until the next season starts. I swear it better be in the fall. I will be heartbroken if you make me wait until January to see what happens next. Do you hear that ABC executives! Don't string this girl along! I'm not afraid to give you up forever...I can always watch HGTV...


Anonymous said...

My best friend works for the is coming back in January but the are airing 24 consecutive episodes without any repeats. In addition, they have only signed a 2 year contract that will not be renewed so they have a final date of the show. All of our questions will be answered over the next 2 seasons.

Mrstx said...

Hmmmmm, I guess I can survive until January with the promise of 24 consecutive eps.

I think I can I think I can...

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