Monday, September 29, 2008

Couch man

Couch man is living in my house. My husband has the sniffles and he has been milking it for all that it is worth! OMG men are such babies!!! Okay so he does have a sore throat, chest congestion and his fever came back but good lord! Get yo' a$$ to work! Or at least fold some laundry while you are supine! Or is it prone? How 'bout cattywhompas couch cuddling.

Aww then he looks at me with his pitiful flushed face and I run and make him some tea with lemon and honey. Ok...I am kinda happy that he is home. Forget the laundry baby...


tara said...

poor guy.
He looks feverish!
I hope he feels better soon.

Shasta said...

Men ARE such babies, when my husband is sick, he whines and complains much worse than the kids and I have to baby him more. It's sad. But I hope your husband is feeling better soon so he can leave your couch and fold some of that laundry!

**Liz** said...

Hope he feels better soon.

AZ Larsens said...

HAHA! Tell me about it! My hubby is worse than my kids when he's sick. And I get in trouble for having no compassion. But when I'm sick, it's business as usual! The kids and housework won't take care of themselves and we have to eat somehow...

Hope he feel better soon!

rage said...

That is so cute. Men expect us to take care of ourselves when we're sick, but when they're sick?

Forget about it, ....might as well be dealing with a 2-year old.

Great post!

Anonymous said...

Jeff looks SO much like Kennen in this picture!!! Poor thing, snuggled up in the couch. awe.

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