Sunday, August 24, 2008

Something new...

When I was in Arizona I went to church with some girlfriends. I loved the sermon and I felt like it really spoke to me. It was talking about service and how serving God is done by feeding the poor and helping others that are less fortunate than yourself. It really touched home with me because my Mom and I had a similar conversation a few days before. My anxiety lately has been through the roof. I was crying to her, as I sometimes do, and she said that I just have too much time on my hands to sit and think. She also said that I am a nurturer and I have nothing to nurture anymore. Sure my kids are still youngish but I really think that the all consuming job of mothering a baby was good for me. I'm a giver but lately I have only been concerned about what I can receive. Nothing is ever enough because apparently receiving isn't the way that my soul feels fed. Are you still with me?

I am making some changes in my life and I have some plans for the future to actually give back to society. Also, I have decided to go to church because it is just another way for me to focus on something other than myself. Maybe trusting in something bigger than myself will help me chill the eff out. (yes I said 'eff' instead of 'fuck' because I'm going to church today.)

This morning when Kimberly came downstairs I told her that I am going to church this morning and I asked her if she wanted to go with me.

Her reply? "Church? What's Church?"

damn. I think somebody else needs to go to church too!


~ Sara Ann said...

Are you still going through the classes to become Jewish? We go to church weekly and it really is helpful to us and gives us a family bond to sit and worship together.

Interesting article Thong sent to me the other day:

Keep us updated on your journey! :)

Unknown said...

I decided it was time to go to church when Hannah asked me who god was. We don't go often but I hope that we will eventually

MommyStamper said...

I'm so glad you came to church this morning!!! I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry the congregation wasn't as big as I said. The other campus is very huge:)
Anyway...I want to go back again to this one too and if you enjoyed it, would love for you to go with me:)

Anonymous said...

Yay Stella! Tanya and I missed you in church today! ;) I hope you are lead to service that is both generous to others and rewarding to you. :) Peace out!

AZ Larsens said...

Good for you Stella, that's awesome. I mean I go to church every Sunday but it's one thing to mindlessly go and another to change your mindset to be thinking about others instead of focusing on my your problems 24/7. I think that's my problem lately. You have inspired me! :)

Angela said...

That is awesome!!! It's so nice to read that you want to give back to society.
Can't wait to hear what you decide to do.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear that you have decided to give back, I have also thought the same! I hope that helps you with your anxitety, I believe what you said in your first paragraph and also what your mom said about you!!


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