Monday, February 11, 2008

I'm snotty

And bitchy. And stuffed up.

I think I am getting an ear infection. My ears have been popping (and driving me nucking futz) for the last few days and then tonight I thunderstorm blew in and I was in agony with the high pressure in the air. sniff. I want my Mommy.

The good news is that I'm taking Kennen to the ENT on wedneday to see about getting tubes in his ears. I just might ask her to have a look-see in mine if I'm not feeling better by then. I just want to feel well again. >:( I did force myself to strap on my shoes and run today. It was mostly walking because I immediately got a stich in my side. What causes that? How can I prevent it? Y'all know what I'm talking about? That pain in your side when you run? I do know that the more often I run, the less often it happens. Hmmm. I might have to do the google later.

Can this blog entry get any more boring? Oh wait! I'm pulling weeds tomorrow!

There! I just made my blog more boring! I rule.

1 comment:

KBear said...

i know two main reasons it happens is if you eat less than 1 hour before you run, and it's something heavy, or if you drink a lot of fluids before you run. i run sometimes and i can't eat or drink at least an hour before i run, or i get the stitches in my side.

ok, three: stretching. if you don't stretch properly, you can get them too.. (i forget where i read this)

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