Sunday, August 9, 2009

First two days home

OMG I have 3 kids!
I'm a little tired...

I've been busy snuggling,
Griffin has been getting to know the family,
We are trying to figure out who this baby looks like. Honestly all I can say is that he is a mix between Kimberly and Kennen as babies. Imagine that!

Grandma likes him a little bit...Griffin doesn't like the camera flash...look at that pitiful little face!

The good news is that he is nursing like a champ and he's already getting chubby cheeks!
He looks like a baby Kimmy right here...
And a baby Kennen right here...

As for the big kids, they are taking advantage that Daddy is the best jungle gym...

And he is the ultimate champion at staring contests..

I've learned that Kimberly is a baby hog. Big time. It gets to the point that I start to miss little Griffin because she is ALWAYS holding him. She is such a great helper though.

At first I was nervous because she kept picking him up and walking around with him, but she is so careful. She has only made his little head flop forward once. :D

I love my little Griffin so much! It seems just surreal that a year ago, Jeff and I hadn't decided one way or another on a third baby. Now he has only been here breathing on this Earth for 4 days and I feel like the world wouldn't be the same without him. I am so grateful.


Pete said...

Congratulations, Stella!!

Unknown said...

Well whenever I say I can't decide who Livie looks like everyone tells me she looks like Livie. Smartasses. Either way he is gorgeous.

Leah said...

Sweet pics, Stella! Your family is goreous and complete and perfect. Thanks so much for sharing it! :)

AZ Larsens said...

Augh! He's so cute! Look at those cheeks! Oh I love newborns... Kimmy looks SO cute holding him! She is going to be the best helper.

Sloane said...

So adorable! Kimmy looks so much like you in those pictures. Your family is so beautiful. Congratulations again. :)

Jadeny said...

Yay!! Congrats. Such a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

He is a beautiful baby!! You, know, you look pretty damn good yourself, Ms. Stella!! :D Way to birth you some baby!:D

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