Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday Brunch

This morning the only thing on our agenda was brunch at L's house. We got there at 10am...and we just never left. Me and the girls sat at the table and drank mimosas, went through 3 bottles of champagne! Occasionally we corrected our crazy kids but mostly we talked and laughed. Oh, and did I mention the fact that L's husband is a chef? Like a real deal super duper fancy pants chef at a hotel? We had coffee, omelettes made to order and bacon and potatoes w/ corned beef and OMG I didn't realize how much I miss going out to breakfast. Going out to eat and my sanity are just a few things that I've given up since having kids. :) Okay, that's a lie. I can go out to eat if they have a playland...and they don't have one at IHOP. Anyway, we stayed long enough for G to cook chicken fried rice for dinner and then we reluctantly carried the exhausted kids home at 6:00pm. Then I took a bath...then I watched Desperate Housewives.

It was the most perfect lazy Sunday.

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