Monday, February 9, 2009

Snarky McSnark

I can't help it. Yahoo news just set the ball for me and I can't help but spike it! The news article read:

Obama Campaigns Outside Washington to win insiders on Stimulus.

um...campaigns? Well I suppose that campaigning is what Obama does best. He has made a career of campaigning with that silver tongue of his. Personally I am a 'little less talk and a lot more action' kind of girl. We all know people that are perpetual students. They have a few impressive college degrees...but no job or career to speak of. I suppose that Obama is going to be a perpetual campaigner. This is fine with me. The less actual work he does in government the better. The more he talk about the stimulous package and the less he does makes me happy. Small government is my friend.

So Obama...go on with your bad self. Have fun on your new 'campaign'.


Anonymous said...


nice snark... problem is EVERY president travels around the country "campaigning" for his plan...

You're just bitter because he's so damn good at it.

~Penny~ said...

Girlfriend.....Don't hate the playa...hate the game;)

HappyAutisticMama said...

LOL, love it. Snark away!

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