Friday, January 29, 2010


Baby's first bong?

Griffin has pnuemonia! I took him to the pediatrician on Tuesday after having a fever and cough for four days. She said his chest sounded bad and the fever for days concerned her, so she sent me to the hospital to run some tests. It was supposed to just be outpatient but while I was there waiting for his blood draw, rsv test and chest x ray, his fever spiked. I didn't have any Tylenol with me and I freaked out. I ran across the hospital to the ER and started calmly explain that my doc sent me there for test, "...but now he is burning up whaaaaaaaaa!" you would have been impressed with my hysterical Mom charade. I didn't know I had it in me because I'm usually pretty calm. I was crying, pacing, couldn't remember his birthday for their paperwork etc. The front desk lady took pity on me and helped me strip off his clothes to keep his fever from scrambling his brain.

The nurse called me back and got the rundown of his symptoms over the last few days. I was still a crying mess and she asked,"is this your first baby?". I laughed and said, "no he's my third, you would think I would be more relaxed." She stuck the thermometer up his tookus and she said to Griffin, "Stop scaring your Mom." Then she said, "103.8. Let's get you in a room." More hysterics from me.

He got some Tylenol, an RSV test, blood work and a chest X-Ray. Thankfully no RSV, but he did have pnuemonia. Holy crap! They admitted him for the night to give iv antibiotics and breathing treatments. He perked up by morning and we got released that afternoon. Sheesh. He went from healthy to pnuemonia in 4 days! So crazy.

Now he's home with antibiotics and an inhaler. Silver lining? It's only January and we've met our deductible. Woot!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


JP said...

Our youngest had RSV as a babe... yeah he spent a few days in the ICU then too... SUCKS.

Glad everyone's home safe and sound. Keep an eye on him, he might be more susceptible to respiratory things...


AZ Larsens said...

haha @ meeting your deductible!
Hope that cute little baby boy feels better soon!

Linds said...

I hope he is feeling better. Poor lil guy! said...

Oh honey! Poor baby. Poor mama! Hope he's ok...

Hippofatamus said...

I found your blog via the "Next Blog" button up top, and had to stop to say that was the funniest begining to a post EVER! Babies first Bong! lmao.... Oh and I agree about reaching your deductible. As a family who almost never required meds we thought it was a miracle when we hit our deductable!!!

Hope griffin's feeling better

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